How to Display Your Family Memories Around Your Home

Here’s a scenario you may be familiar with: Every year at holidays, you take tons of pictures. You’ve got pictures of your kids, your parents, aunts and uncles, distant relatives, family reunions, momentous occasions, and so much more. You have all these amazing photos of treasured family memories, but all they do is sit in your phone.

Maybe in your case they’re on your computer; maybe they’re from film days and are sitting in boxes in a closet somewhere. If you’re really good, maybe they’re in a photo album—which is probably on a bookshelf and hasn’t been touched in a decade. The point is, this: the photos are taken and then they’re stored away, never to be seen again.

This year, why not put those photos to good use? It’s time to display them proudly for all who enter your home. Read on for our favorite ways to display your family memories around the home!

Build a Gallery Wall

A gallery wall is a creative and eye-catching way to display precious memories on the walls in your home. A gallery wall is more than just a few family photos framed and hung. It’s a collection of photos, memorabilia, art work, and more arranged in an eclectic and interesting way. Build your own gallery wall with the following steps.

1. Choose a theme for your gallery wall. This could either be a color palette, a holiday, or a family hobby. For example, you may choose to make a gallery wall of the kids’ sports teams and games throughout the year.

2. Next, gather any relevant photos, memorabilia, art work, and more. For your kids’ sports gallery wall, you may want to gather team photos, your photos of the kids’ games over the year, jerseys, gear like balls or gloves, and more.

3. Frame everything. For larger objects like balls or gloves, you can use a shadowbox in the appropriate size. If your items are all different colors and styles, you can tie them together using the same color and material frame for each item. If the items are quite congruous, choose a varying assortment of frames to add some interest.

4. Time to hang it all up. Rather than hanging everything in straight rows, play with different levels and arrangements. The idea here is to create a collection of memories, not perfect lines. Alternate between photos, items, and more until you’ve got an arrangement that pleases you.

5. Enjoy your new gallery wall!

Turn Photos into Decor

These days, there are tons of ways to turn your family photos into practical, functional items in your home. If you’re going to display your family photos, why not make them useful, too? Family photos can be printed on just about any surface; here are a few of our favorites.

1. Cozy up with your family photos by turning them into blankets! A family photo blanket will warm you up from the inside out. There are so many different types of blankets with pictures available. You can find them in flannel, fleece, knit, and more.

2. Get a healthy serving of family memories with your cup of coffee each morning by creating photo mugs. You can design a different mug for each family holiday, family member, and more. If you’re an iced coffee drinker, opt for a custom cold drink tumbler instead. Or, design a collection!

3. Photo pillows make comfy and cute decor. Put a family photo on one side and an inspirational quote or favorite sports team’s logo on the other. These are great on couches, accent chairs, beds, and more. You can even make a custom pillow of the family pet!

4. Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, why not decorate the Christmas tree in family memories. Design ornaments with photos of other holidays or other special occasions. These also make great gifts for loved ones. Which of these decorative tips are you most excited to experiment with? Let us know i