5 Safe and Festive Ways to Celebrate Easter

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed many parts of life over the past year, and holidays are no exception. In other years, most of us commemorate these special days by gathering friends and family to share in food, drink, and celebration. This year, however, the holidays look a little different.

Rather than hosting a gaggle of guests at your house this Easter, keep your celebration to only those within your home. There are plenty of ways to make Easter feel special, even if the normal guests aren’t invited. The most important thing is keeping your family safe, and by keeping your celebration small, you’ll be able to do so!

Are you wondering how Easter could ever feel the same without your loved ones by your side? Though we may not be able to gather with friends and family this Easter, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate! Read on to learn our 5 favorite safe and festive ways to celebrate Easter in 2021.

Deliver Easter Baskets

Who says the Easter bunny gets all the fun? Easter baskets are a great way to show your loved ones that you’re thinking of them, and a safe and fun way to spread Easter joy. You can either build your own Easter baskets with homemade goodies and drop off door to door, or arrange to have Easter gifts delivered with classic treats.

Dye Easter Eggs Au Natural

Rather than dyeing your Easter eggs pink and purple this year, go old-school and color your eggs with natural dyes. Sure, pastel eggs are cute, but DIY dyed Easter eggs are so much more fun. Not only is dyeing eggs a safe and fun way to celebrate Easter, but it’s also a great way to get out of the house!

Get outside and hunt for things that can be used to dye your eggs. You can look for brightly colored flowers, leaves with interesting patterns, and other bits and pieces of nature. Once you’ve collected your bounty, arrange each item around your eggs and wrap tightly in pieces of nylon pantyhose. Finally, fill a pot with water, place your egg bundles inside, and add in red onion skins for purple, yellow onion skins for yellow, or avocado skins for pink. Let it all simmer for about 20 minutes, and cool completely before unwrapping. You won’t believe the patterns you reveal!

Host a Virtual Easter Party

One thing is for certain: Zoom conference calls are the real MVP of the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead of celebrating Easter with friends and family in your home, have a virtual celebration on Zoom. If your gathering is on the larger side, it’s a good idea to plan an activity for the call to avoid unstructured chaos. You can have everyone give a toast, share a memory, or play a game!

Decorate an Easter Tree

Let’s face it: we’ve all been spending an awful lot of time in our homes lately. By now, we’re all looking for a little something different to break up the monotony. We’ve got the perfect solution to bring a bit of celebratory spirit into your home: an Easter tree.

You may be thinking, “Isn’t decorating a tree for Christmas?” To that we say, “Why should Christmas have all the fun?” Easter is a celebration of springtime, after all, and what’s more spring-y than a tree?

Instead of decorating your tree with Christmas ornaments and red tinsel, opt for Springtime decor. That means pastel colors, lots of flowers, and maybe even a few adorable stuffed animals. It will make a lovely addition to your home or backyard, and you may even discover it’s your new favorite easter tradition.

Easter celebrations may look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun. Pick your favorite idea for a safe and festive Easter celebration, or do them all for an all-out Easter extravaganza!