CBD oil for horses: How To Get The Dosage Right

It has long ago become clear that CBD oil is highly beneficial for a lot of mammals. Horses are one of the species that have the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and cannabinoid receptors. Those are responsible for naturally producing endocannabinoids, as well as being able to receive the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. We have all accepted the fact that Cannabidiol is the cannabis compound that comes with all positive and no negative effects, but if you need some additional info, you can always find it online.

Since you are here, you have probably already learned a lot about this compound and the product sold as CBD oil for horses. All that’s left now is to figure out how to dose the product properly. This might be a huge concern for all those owners who are first-time Cannabidiol buyers. You are probably worried about overdosing the animal and causing some side-effects. Let us first see what can happen if you do that.

What Happens If You Administer Too Much CBD

Most owners are usually worried about the side effects that come with CBD oil, but the truth is that there are actually almost no side effects. If you administer the dosage correctly, you will never have any issues. That’s not enough to put your mind at ease, is it? You are probably worried that you might give too much CBD to your horse and you want to know how that can affect the animal.

For starters, there’s a really low chance that you’ll end up administering too much of this product, especially if you make sure to follow the instructions and do everything right, which isn’t that difficult. If, however, this happens, you will notice your horse become lethargic, inactive and drowsy. Luckily, those symptoms will pass after a while, as soon as the effects wear off.

Read this to get a better idea on what CBD can do and how you should dose it: http://thepetwell.com/how-can-cbd-help-my-horse-benefits-uses-dosage-guide/

How To Determine The Right Dosage

Fortunately for you, if you manage to get the dosage right, you will never have to worry about the above mentioned side effects. There’s only one question left now. How can you make sure that you are getting the right dosage? There are a few things you need to take into consideration in order to determine the right amount, but if you do everything correctly, the whole process won’t be difficult.

For starters, there’s the question of your animal’s weight. If you use your logic, you will realize that larger horses need higher doses. It’s perfectly normal that a tiny equine won’t need too much CBD oil for its effects to kick in. This is the same with any medicine, which is why you need to make sure that you know the weight of your animal before going any further.

After you have weighted the animal, or you know approximately how heavy it is, you can proceed to the next step of determining the right dosage for it. That next step consists of noticing all the symptoms that you want to treat in the animal. A horse that is in huge pain caused by arthritis, for example, will need much more CBD than the one that simply lacks energy. Similarly, anxiety symptoms might require a higher dosage than loss of appetite.

If you take the time to visit a few website talking about CBD and go to the horses page, you will notice that all of those pages talk about different symptoms that this product can treat. You need to always keep in mind that different symptoms require different amounts of Cannabidiol. Make sure to always know what you are trying to treat before starting to administer the product, because the symptoms directly affect the dosage.

Lastly, you will need to check the specific product that you are buying. Different manufacturers use different amounts of Cannabidiol in the production of their CBD oil, which means that there are stronger and lighter products out there. The strength of the particular CBD oil is one of the factors that influences the dosage. Of course, a lot of manufacturers also offer their own charts, which will be of huge help.