3 Essentials to Protect Your Skin

Skin is a big deal—literally. Did you know that it’s the human body’s largest organ and the only one we wear on the outside?! It’s technically a part of the integumentary system (along with hair and nails), which is way more complex than the wrinkles or blemishes you might see on the surface.

It has so many roles in the maintenance of our day to day life that you might not be aware of. Obviously, it holds everything inside, but it also plays a crucial role in providing a flexible airtight, watertight barrier between the outer world and the body’s highly regulated systems working behind the scenes.

You might think about skin in terms of appearance when you greet your reflection in the mirror, but it also serves as the first line of defense for our immune system, preventing pathogens and microbes from invading our bloodstream. Temperature regulation, vitamin production, and detoxification are a few other noteworthy functions.

That’s why today’s post is not just about looking flawless (that’s a bonus perk!); it’s about protecting the vitality of the three layers of skin, so you can both look and feel great. Here are three essentials you need to protect your skin.

That’s why today’s post is not just about looking flawless (that’s a bonus perk!); it’s about protecting the vitality of the three layers of skin, so you can both look and feel great. Here are three essentials you need to protect your skin.

1- Moisturizer

Moisturizing is a non-negotiable part of any skincare regime. The emollient formula helps retain water, thereby preventing dehydration (translation: a dry, cracked, and brittle complexion that’s prone to wrinkles). Moisturize every morning after a thorough cleanse, then apply a nourishing night cream that can do its work while you sleep and regenerate tissue cells. Don’t forget to tend to your arms and legs with a daily application of body lotion, too!

Otherwise, if left dehydrated and untreated, it can lead to coarse, itchy, and irritable patches of skin spackled across your complexion—especially during the winter season that’s rapidly approaching! You’ll need to ramp up your hydration game when the air is drier and known to draw out the water in your pores, as well as when increased sun exposure causes skin cells to die more rapidly.

2- UV Protection

Speaking about the sun… don’t go more than 15 minutes without protection from its ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This is the number one necessity when it comes to preserve the youthful radiance of skin. Why? Because sun damage—also known as photoaging—accelerates the body’s chronological aging (AKA the natural degeneration of skin health).

UV rays penetrate deep into the skin’s innermost layer and damage the cellular DNA tissue. We gradually produce less collagen (a protein that supports skin cell walls’ strength and structure) and elastin (a protein responsible for skin’s flexibility and stretchiness) over time, but UV light rapidly weakens both. You might want a golden bronzed complexion… but do you want your plump, voluminous skin to sag, wrinkle, and leather in response? How about dark freckles and sunspots, not to mention the potential risk of skin cancer?

Nope. Not worth it. It’s crucial to shield your delicate skin cells from the sun’s harsh rays every time you walk out the door. When it comes to formulas, it’s way better to opt for physical sunscreen over its chemical counterpart because they use all-natural active ingredients, like zinc oxide. (Pro tip: Always say no to toxic chemicals!) Also, be sure to choose a product that offers broad-spectrum coverage against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF strength of at least 30 or above.

3- Nutrition

You know the saying, “you are what you eat?” Yeah… they’re not kidding. Your diet plays a huge role in your overall health—skin included! When you consume too much-processed sugar, all that extra glucose in your bloodstream has to excrete itself somewhere. Whatever your liver doesn’t metabolize can try to make its way out through your pores instead, leading to breakouts and acne flareups.

Leafy greens like kale are also packed with antioxidants that can help detoxify the body of free radicals caused by the environment and UV exposure, so don’t go lightly on the veggies. And (last but not least!) remember to drink at least 64 oz. of water every day to maintain the body’s hydration on the inside, just as you would moisturize on the outside.