Why Zinc Should Be Part of Your Skincare Regimen

The first time I heard someone mention the word zinc and beautiful skin in one sentence, I was taken aback and honestly, I was a bit skeptical. It is a fact that the benefits zinc offers the skin have been downplayed and not many people know of them.

What most people do not realize is that this mineral is present in every single cell in our bodies. Individuals in the medical industry will attest to the fact that a lot of enzymes in the body require zinc for proper function. Skin cells are particularly the number one cells that enjoy the massive benefits of zinc – and this is what brings me to my point today.

Without further ado, below are the many reasons why you should incorporate zinc into your daily skincare routine.

  • It is an antioxidant

Although it is not on the same category with other antioxidants like vitamin C, zinc works as your skin’s defense against free-forming radicals that are damage the skin. It also protects the skin’s lipids and collagen-making cells from the sun’s ultra-violet rays, skin pollutants and other factors that cause the skin to age.

  • Helps in skin rejuvenation

As we go on our daily chores, the skin is prone to cuts and scratches. It is during such accidents that zinc goes to work. First and foremost, the mineral starts multiplying around the hurt area protecting it from infections as it also controls inflammation and produces new cells to close up the open skin.

Apart from when the skin is broken, zinc is used by healthy skin for cell rejuvenation and proper functioning of cell membranes.

  • It is an effective acne treatment

People with oily or sensitive skin are prone to acne flare-ups from time to time. They develop due to a buildup of oil and bacteria or when skin pores are blocked.

Acne is famous for causing the skin around the pimples to swell, become tender and turn red. In response, zinc boosts immune and anti-inflammatory properties.

Additionally, since zinc helps in skin cell rejuvenation, this makes it possible for it to reduce the amount of oil your skin produces as well as prevent pores from clogging.

  • Has sunscreen properties

Unlike store-bought sunscreen that is absorbed into the skin’s top layer and filters out ultra-violet rays, zinc works by blocking any absorption of the damaging rays of the sun.

Also, lotions containing zinc-oxide work the same and they do not irritate the skin. Thus the reason you will notice zinc is contained in sunscreen lotions specially designed for children and adults who have sensitive skin.

  • Treats dandruff

Dandruff occurs when there is an increase in the number of a common fungus found on the scalp. The irritation the fungus causes makes skin cells to flake. Zinc can be used for your hair care to treat dandruff and relieve itchy scalp. Look at the active ingredients of most anti-dandruff shampoos and you will notice it is listed among them.

It is also used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

If you want flawless skin, contact a reliable Oligoidyne Zn supplier to get the best zinc skincare products in the market.