The Healthcare industry is a very hot topic with the rising costs in care and added expenses to hospitals and doctor’s that cause those increases. QuartzClinical is working to assist with bringing the cost down and streamline care with a machine learning system.
The QuartzClinical platform is a cloud-based data analytics system for healthcare. Having a got to project management tool saves time and allows doctor’s and nurses to share information quickly and easily throughout the hospital in a cost effective way.
Gone are the days of having to keep charts upon charts in paper file format. You can just log into the
I’ve personally worked on hospital systems entering information and I’ve had to work on three to fours separate systems at times and assure that the information is matching and correct across the systems. I’ve even had to be the second or third person having to double check information so to know that QuatzClinical is a tool that will condense that information for better access and accuracy is pretty exciting.
The system will save time which is key for healthcare professionals but, more importantly, it will help save lives with less error and correct patient information readily available.
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