Indie singing artist, Clo calls Los Angeles home now and counts Ella Fitzgerald, Amy Winehouse and Carole Kings as her inspirations. The up and coming singer is getting set to blaze her own trail in the music industry by partnering with a
We chatted with Clo for our Music Spotlight Series to get to know her better and shine a light on this talented singer.

Stay Connected w/Clo
Hi Clo, We hear that you’ll soon be working with a new producer. Tell us about it.
Hello, and thank you for chatting with me! I am so excited to start working with Grammy nominated producer Warren Huart. We will be co-writting 10 songs for a full developed E.P! He is such a talented producer so I absolutely can’t wait to get started with him in the New Year.
Any New Year Resolutions?
I always love the start of the New Year. 2019 is going to be a stellar year! My resolutions are to be my most authentic self, and not care what other people think.
Goals for the New Year?
There are a lot of things in the works! Right now, I am performing around L.A, staying close as it’s time to get in the studio to create new music. But I have several shows in January… Come and see me!
What was the first album you remember purchasing?
The first time I remember buying music was in 2008, when I got my first computer. I downloaded Lady Gaga’s album ‘Fame”… Still one of my most cherished memories!
Spotify or Vinyl?
In a Spotify world, I would much rather listen to vinyl! My sister had a record player growing up and we would listen to Fleetwood Mac’s album ‘Rumors’ on repeat.
Tell us about your fashion inspirations? You have tremendous style!!
Why thank you! I love being creative with my style and fashion. It is one of my favorite way to express myself. My fashion faves are Reformation, TopShop, and Revolve. Such cute stores (:
Who are your favorite artists?
As an up and coming Female R&B / Pop artist, my current favorite acts are Lady Gaga, Sza, Beyonce, and Frank Ocean. All of these artists show such passion in their craft that is truly inspiring.
Where can we find you & see you in 2019?
On my new project with Warren Huart, we will be co-writting ten songs! So stay tuned in the New Year!