Pet Corner: Fluffy Paws Pet Bed Crate Pad- Dog or Cat March 23, 2018April 18, 2018Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments With two cats and one dog, it’s very easy for an apartment to be overtaken by them. Pets still need their own little [...]
Pet Corner: Why It’s Important to Monitor Your Pet’s Weight February 18, 2018February 18, 2018Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 1 Comment My daughter recently bought our cats Twyla and Xena and our dog, Pugsley those food trays that refill and keep an endless amount of [...]
Pet Corner: We Got Our Pet GiftBox for the Cats! January 1, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Early in December I mentioned that a Pet GiftBox would make a great gift for your cat or dog. Well, we got of box [...]