Author Spotlight: The Healthy Rebel: I Learned It from My Friends by Jessica M. Pfeufer December 4, 2024December 20, 2024Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments I recently had surgery, and it’s pretty much relegated me to the couch. As I’m on the road to recovery, I have binge-watched [...]
6 Ways to Take Care of Yourself July 28, 2024August 7, 2024Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Taking care of yourself should be one of your top priorities. You can’t drink from an empty cup, so if you want to [...]
Fitness Corner: ItBandz Knee Support ~ @ItBandzforKnees March 23, 2018April 3, 2018Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments I enjoy a good workout when I’m in the groove of hitting the gym regularly but, one thing that bothers me is the [...]
The Antioxidant Foods You Must include in Your Diet January 25, 2018Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Here we intend to give you a list of foods rich in antioxidants. But, before jumping on the list it is important to [...]
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Keto Diet January 25, 2018January 29, 2018Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments “Add a few spoons of apple cider vinegar…” something that you usually hear on the list of ingredients for certain dishes. But in [...]
Health Corner: Glasses or Contacts? How to Choose. January 11, 2018January 7, 2021Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Glasses or spectacles are frame bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV [...]
Health Corner: Biofolic Tonic Review December 17, 2017December 17, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Introduction Dealing with hair loss is tough. But, if you notice that you are starting to lose hair, you should act fast. Most [...]
5 Reasons Why You Should Get A Hearing Aid November 23, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments It is estimated that almost 50 million Americans are affected by hearing loss to some degree. If you are one of them, then [...]
Here are the Tips for Successful Fermentation November 5, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Storing season foods and making them into something completely different, nutritious, and shelf-stable is what we love about the process of fermentation. With [...]
Fitness Corner: Win a Chance to Run the NYC Marathon via PowerBar (Contest) February 26, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments I belong to a lot of running groups. They help to motivate me online and we even meet up in person to do [...]