The Million Roses – A Timeless Gift January 15, 2024December 22, 2024Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments What’s better than a dozen roses? How about a dozen or more roses that last a lifetime? Pink roses are my absolute favorite [...]
Rubix Tilt Handheld Game – #RUBIKSTILT @SuperImpulseLtd December 14, 2019December 14, 2019Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 2 Comments Rubik’s Cube is such a classic game. Not to date myself but, I remember when they first released in the United States. I [...]
Health Corner: Biofolic Tonic Review December 17, 2017December 17, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Introduction Dealing with hair loss is tough. But, if you notice that you are starting to lose hair, you should act fast. Most [...]
Pet Corner: The Ultimate Cat Tree Condo If You Love Your Cats! #Giveaway August 7, 2017August 11, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 47 Comments Cats love to climb and love to bury themselves in dark covered spaces which is why a cat tree condo makes the purr-fect [...]
Review Corner: Empyrean Premium Hotel Luxury Bedding ($1000 Giveaway) July 23, 2017July 23, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments What do you look for when setting out to buy bed sets? For me, it’s 3 (three) very simple and basic things that [...]
Game Corner: SNES Controller by Tomee June 30, 2017June 30, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Nintendo recently announced that they are released and SNES mini this fall and that has gamers going crazy in anticipation. While they wait [...]
Pet Corner: Litter Genie Will Make Your Cleaning Easier! June 12, 2017June 13, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments We love our cats but, we definitely don’t like the chore of cleaning the cat litter. It’s unavoidable and a pain but, Litter [...]
Pet Corner: We Got Our Pet GiftBox for the Cats! January 1, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Early in December I mentioned that a Pet GiftBox would make a great gift for your cat or dog. Well, we got of box [...]
Movie Review: To Joey, With Love…OMG…I cried so hard (Giveaway) December 4, 2016December 5, 2016Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 1 Comment …I found myself thinking about how most movies cost a lot of money to make. And how this one cost nothing. Nothing [...]
My 24K Gold Reusable Keurig K-Cup Makes Me Cooler Than You (40% Discount) July 2, 2016October 14, 2016Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Yes, I know, having a 24K Gold Reusable Keurig K-Cup is not on everybody’s cool factor list but it is on mine. Especially [...]