Movie Review: Patterns of Evidence: the Exodus September 5, 2017September 5, 2017Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 1 Comment I’m always fascinated when people set out to prove whether an event in the bible is factual or not so, a documentary like [...]
WildFlower DVD Review + Giveaway April 2, 2016Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Has there ever been a moment in your life when you felt hopeless and about to give up when suddenly you received a [...]
Kids Corner: The Plans I Have for You Devotional Book & Journal (Giveaway) January 25, 2016January 25, 2016Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments As a child, my journals were my most prized possessions. I remember my first one. It was a Christmas gift. It was pink [...]
Finding Noah: A Documentary on the Search For the ancient Ark October 6, 2015March 1, 2016Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriguez 0 Comments Documentaries that focus on the search for ancient artifacts have always fascinated me. It’s like a search for the unknown with known clues [...]