This past year has been trying, testing, and hard for many. It’s also been awakening and even inspirational to some including Kamal R. Hubbard, our latest writer in our author spotlight and our first since the pandemic first began.
Kamal R. Hubbard brings us his first book “Defi for the Diaspora” which delves into the newest craze of cryptocurrency and how it affects African-Americans.
We asked Kamal to answer a few questions about himself and the new book.

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What inspired you to become a writer?
Literally watching as life left Mr. George Floyd’s body, people around the world were driven to action. Thousands took to the streets despite mandatory Coronavirus lockdowns to declare what happened would not be tolerated. Instead of hitting the streets, I was driven to write.
One narrative I saw emerge amidst the protests last year was for Black people to begin buying Bitcoin and things like police killings would magically disappear or this would somehow level the playing field. I was astounded at how misleading this narrative was because it irresponsibly disregards the link between Bitcoin and White Supremacy. Furthermore, it also ignores the fact that Bitcoin is not a complete financial solution to the complex economic issues facing people of African heritage.
Describe your book in 30 words or less.
One-part Black history, one-part Black futurism “DeFi for the Diaspora” examines the history of money to underscore the economic predicament of the global Black collective in the face of the “Great Reset.”
Why should we read it?
People of African heritage are confronted with a threat and a choice after years of financial maltreatment & discrimination. This book presents how technology can be leveraged to bring equity and sustainability to the global Black economy.
Do You Have a Favorite Author?
My favorite author right now is Jared A. Ball because his book challenges commonly held assertions in the Black community around money and class stratification.
What books have influenced your life most?
The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness
The Lotus Sutra
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Black’s Law Dictionary
The Bible
Trading in the Zoned
Please support our independent writers. You can purchase” DeFi for the Dispora” at Lulu.com