I remember as a kid, arts & crafts were always a weekend ritual for our family. My mom taught us to crochet, knit, sew, do needlepoint, puzzles and paint your own canvas, ceramics and other things.
We’d always go to craft stores and find something new. One of my favorites was painting ceramics. We went through months of painting different ceramics including Christmas ornaments.
It was one of my most favorites art & crafts family projects so, imagine how happy and excited I was to see these Ceramic painting kits from Ceramic Roots.
Having everything packaged together at such a great price was the first thing that had me on board to review.
I received the cactus and it’s so cute.

Are These Kits For You?
What I love about these kits is that there are no age restrictions. It’s great for kids and it’s great for adults.
These kits are great gifts. You can use them as part of art class if you homeschool. You can gift it to your child’s teacher if they’re headed back to school or even if they’re going to be virtual for a while you can still send to your child’s teacher as a, thank you. They’re also great for birthdays and even for the Christmas and Hanukah holidays.
Of course, I’m using the cactus painting as self-care. A time to relax, be by myself, listen to some soothing music and, paint away.
Is It Paint-By-Number?
There’s no set pattern for how they should be painted so, you can follow the color suggestions, or you can go off on your own and make your own pattern. You can even combine colors to create new ones.
What Do I Recommend?
As I mentioned above, I received the Cactus, however they have a lot of different styles and they’re all very reasonably priced. A couple of the other ceramics I loved was the Bird House and the Elephant.
Bird House
The Bird House is so cute. You can have your child paint it and then buy some seeds and put it inside. It’s small and compact so you can hang it from a tree in your backyard or if you live in an apartment you can hang it on your fire escape (in a safe spot) and have your child document what happens.

There are plenty of different styles and patterns like Butterflies, Unicorns and more that you can find online at Amazon, or you can visit A.C Moore or Family Dollar. The styles will vary depending on the store.
Also, I plan to show a video review of me painting the cactus. I will update when I post it up.