It would be fair to say that technology has changed our lives over the years and for the most part, the benefits have been immense. Unfortunately, in and amongst these benefits, it’s also made life a lot more difficult. For the purposes of today, we are referring to work and specifically, the issue of switching off.
In short, an increasing number of us just aren’t able to achieve the above. We find ourselves constantly thinking about work or checking emails when we really don’t need to. Well, today’s article is all about conquering the above. Let’s now dive into some actionable tips that you can tap into as you bid to finally switch off from work duties.
Book a spa
This first suggestion might seem a little specific, but give us time. There are some hobbies which might seem relaxing, but it will still result in you checking your work email. For example, as much as it’s against etiquette, some people won’t hesitate in sending an email halfway through a round of golf!
As such, you need to think of activities where emails are going to be strictly off-limits. Spa breaks are one such option, and even the latest phone inventions probably aren’t going to survive underwater use as you relax around these facilities.
Of course, the list could go on, but try and find a break that won’t physically allow you to work.
Cycle home from work
Again, it’s a really specific piece of advice, but studies have found that those people who cycle home from work are much more likely to switch off from their work thoughts.
It’s understood that the main reasons behind this are because cycling involves doing something completely different from what you tend to do at work. You’re not looking at a screen; you’ve got to concentrate on those traveling around you, as well as the obvious physical activity.
The power of an exit list
Something that has proven to help a lot of people switch off from their work is an exit list. Put simply, this is something that you write down at the end of a day, and note what you want to achieve on the next day you enter work. This is a process that can allow you to feel more in control and clear your mind ahead of the next day.
Let’s finish with the smartphone
We’ve touched on tech in quite a few instances through this article, but in truth, it really deserves its section.
Again, few would disagree that it comes to our rescue on umpteen occasions through day-to-day life, but it’s starting to become at a cost. Smartphone addiction has become a mainstream phrase, and for the purposes of switching off from work, this is something you need to avoid.
There are now apps that tell you how long you have spent on your phone and all sorts of other ways to help you curb this modern-life addiction. Do all you can to avoid it and reap the rewards.