Dawn A. Witte just self-published her first book “Be…: A Collection of Love with Friends to Inspire a Kindness Evolution“. The talented author is also a mom and the founder of a non-profit “Desire to Inspire”.
Dawn took a moment from her busy schedule to chat with us as part of our author’s spotlight series and tel about her new book and what’s next. Get to know Dawn with our interview and we hope you purchase her book.

What inspired you to become a writer?
Reading the words of great thought leaders throughout history has always inspired me and shaped my vision of who I want to be in the world. I wanted to put my thoughts into writing on the importance of love, kindness, and inspiration to give my daughters, and others, ideas of what kind of person they could choose to be. I believe that our words are important and powerful and being able to share words that might inspire or encourage others is such a great privilege for me.
Your favorite author and why?
I have so many. I love Laura Lynne Jackson, Dr. Bruce Lipton, J.K. Rowling, Marianne Williamson, I’ll stop now.
Describe your book in 30 words or less
I can do it in 7, My book is about choosing to be LOVE, KIND, GRATEFUL, INSPIRED, GENUINE, HAPPY and STRONG.
Why should we read it?
I hope my book gives people a sense of perspective and hope. Knowledge that the world isn’t as bad a place as the media and news would have us believe. I want to inspire people to be more loving and kind to themselves and to others, and to realize that love and kindness are currencies greater than money. I want my book to be a reminder that we have much to be grateful for because we were given a precious gift of life, and that being strong will help get us through life’s many challenges. I would love for readers to understand that we can’t always choose the things that happen to us but we can find happiness if we choose to look for it. I hope I can help people find their own special gifts and talents because we are all unique individuals and the world needs us to be our genuine selves.
List other books you have written
“Be…” is my first book and my second book will be available in a few days. We are currently doing the final edits and it is a Planner/Coloring Journal/Inspirational book that I am so proud of. My friend, and co-creator, Deborah Louise Brown has done an amazing job of creating the type of Planner that we would love to have which is full of inspiration and helps readers to create their own Life of Purpose by Design.
What books have influenced your life the most?
One of my favorite books of all time is “The Agony and the Ecstasy” by Irving Stone. I loved reading about Michelangelo and how he overcame the many challenges he faced while creating some of the greatest art that has ever existed. It formed how I viewed strength and determination.