Swedish singer, songwriter
Check out what Mikaela has to say and take a listen to her EP below.

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What inspired you to become a Singer?
I have always loved music, there is nothing in this World that can make me go through so much emotion in 3 minutes like a great song. Music has helped me through bad times, made my happy days even better and taught me a lot about myself. I wanted to be not just an artist but a Songwriter and producer as well because I wanted to be able to create music that makes other people feel the same way about music like I do.
Your favorite songwriter & why
I have so many but if I only can choose one at this moment I would say H. E. R. I love her music, she has bought RnB to the scene again and her voice really touches my heart.
Describe your song in 30 words or less
Bedroom Files is a pure RnB record that I produced, wrote and recorded in my Bedroom. It is honest, sensual and intimate with attitude.
Why should we listen to your music?
Because I believe you will love it
List of other songs you’ve written
The song I’m most proud of on the EP is “Time” it was written in a few hours, it was one of those songs that just needed to get out of my system, and I’m very happy with the result.
What performers have influenced your life most?
Many artist have influencers my life, as a kid it was Christina Aguilera, she basically made me discover my own voice and my passion for singing. Later on it has been various artist like, Jhene Aiko, Kehlani, Beyonce, H. E. R, and many more.
With out a doubt I would say Fanny Axén. (@Fanny.axen) We have been working together since day one, she is a PR agent and artist manager, she is great at her job. She never settles until she has reached her goals and she is very creative in her way of promoting and working with artists. She is behind all of the most memorable moments in my career, and never the less she is a great friend that Im blessed to have in my life.