Growing up my mom had a bookshelf full of books. She also bought us books regularly and made sure we had a library card. Reading was a fun and daily habit. As we got older we were allowed to choose books from her library which is how I became a Stephen King fan at the age of 12.
I love books and I think they’re great gifts for young children to help them develop their imagination and these 3 new books I’m sharing today are a great addition to your child’s library. They’re recommended for children in Preschool to Kindergarten or agest 1 to 6 and they’re all so much fun.

New York Day & Night
As a New Yorker I have to start with “New York Day & Night”, a fun book written by Aurelie Pollet an author, art director, illustrator, and film director who resides in Paris, France. It’s illustrated by Vincent Bergier a French illustrator and musician who also resides in Paris, France.
This book is about how your eyes can deceive you in the New York night from seeing a serpent that is actually a subway train to King Kong in the jungle being the Central Park. Your child will get the knowledge of NYC landmarks while sparking their imagination. This book is recommended for 3 – 6-year-olds and/or preschool to kindergarten age.

Cat & Mouse
From King Kong to our next book “Cat & Mouse”. This book is a fun interactive book with cutouts that let you see different views as you turn the pages as your child lays in suspense as the story unfolds of a cat chasing a mouse and how the mouse hides. Just when the cat is sure he has the mouse he realizes it won’t be that easy.
The story is written by Britta Teckentrup who has published dozens of highly acclaimed illustrated works for children and resides in Berlin, Germany. “Cat & Mouse” will keep your child entertained until the end when they find out if the cat actually caught the mouse. Cat & Mouse is for ages 1 to 3 or Preschool and up.

The Song of Spring
Finally, we have “The Song of Spring” because we are indeed in the spring season here on the east coast of the USA. The story begins with the sounds of birds chirping and takes you through the different sounds from various animals like the hee-haw of a donkey or a the oink of a pig that create a melodic song letting you know that spring is here.
This is the third book from Berlin-based illustrator Hendrick Jonas and is great for children aged 2 to 5 and/or preschool/kindergarten.
All of these books are very entertaining and fun to read with great pictures to help feed your child’s imagination.