The best part of our Music Spotlight series is that we introduce great new music to our audience and also other sites on social media…so it’s great for us to introduce amazing artists like Shower Me Blue which is the newest band featured in our Music spotlight series.

Where is Shower Me Blue located & favorite local venues?
We call Boulder, Colorado home.
Our favorite venues are the Fox Theater & Boulder Theater in Boulder. The Front Range has a lot of cool places to play where the vibe really kicks in – Aggie Theater, Mishawaka, Ogden Theater, Cervantes & Your Mom’s House (great crowd!) are just a few.
Who are the members and instruments?
Gilles Palmarini – guitar – lead vocals
Dingo Holtz – drums, bangy-clangy things
Bill Teags – bass, general bottom end stuff
What music inspires you as a band?
Great, energetic grooves that move people. Music that tells a good story.
Upcoming recording plans where and with whom?
We will be recording in December somewhere in Boulder with a producer from Austin.
Any surprises on the new album to share with our readers?
There will be a few surprises, but they won’t be surprises if we tell you now! There might be some fan participation – Stay tuned!! Let’s just say there will be sonic loveliness that will caress your auditory pleasure centers into intense enjoyment!
Please tell our readers where to Listen/ buy/ download your music?
We have a few videos up on YouTube and songs up on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, ReverbNation and of course, our website.