Unless you have been living under a rock for the past five years, chances are you have heard of North America’s latest sport fascination. Axe throwing has slowly crept its way into popular culture, to the point where now – less than a decade after the first leagues opened – it is a household name. That is a sharp uptick in popularity that recalls the Roller Derby craze of the early 2000s, and the interest doesn’t appear to waning any time soon.
Still, a lot of people haven’t tried it. It might be because the opportunity has never presented itself, or because they figure, ‘what could possible be so great about chucking some axes at some wooden targets?’. Whatever the reservation, this article is going to make the case that you should join an axe throwing league at some point, if just to try it; you get a solidly supportive community, an enticing sense of competition, a good amount of exercise and a unique experience unlike any other pastime sport.
You might not be able to tell at first, from the heavily tattooed, bushy bearded guys that frequent many axe throwing leagues, but the community surrounding the sport is an incredibly supportively, incredibly inclusive one. Take for instance BATL, the Backyard Axe Throwing League, the largest and probably best known of the North American leagues, which makes a point of stressing that their facilities – and axe throwing in general – are open to people of all abilities, all walks of life and all types.
If you, like most people on planet earth, have a competitive side, but are starved for competitive outlets, axe throwing might be just what the doctor ordered. Not only is the act of axe throwing very cathartic, but the round robin competitions surrounding it can be the perfect mix of stress relief and competitivedrama. If you join an axe throwing league, it’s almost guaranteed that you will let out some of that workaday stress.

Unsurprisingly, a sport that involves you hurling a heavy weapon repeatedly has some exercise benefits. What might comes as a surprise, however, is just how thorough the workout is. The act of axe throwing engages the core, meaning that you get a pretty well rounded exercise. And the cherry on top is that the sport is so fun and engaging, you hardly pay attention to the workout your body is getting. For people who find the gym a real grind, axe throwing could be your solution.
Finally, you can’t discount the fact that axe throwing is just a cool hobby. Even though it’s enjoying a moment of popularity, it is still relatively rare to meet someone who has taken it on as a pastime, and as a result it still carries some mystery and import. You are guaranteed to leave your axe throwing league with at least a few badass photos of yourself, that’s for sure.
Whether you do it for the friends or the fitness, the competition or the Instagram posts, you should join an axe throwing league. One thing that’s absolutely guaranteed: you won’t be bored!