When you first hear the words ”strawberry panna cotta”, the first thing that goes through your head is that it would probably be a pain to make, right?
Well, you’re in luck, because you’re about to have your mind blown with this super-easy recipe!
Panna cotta is a famous Italian dessert, traditionally made with dairy products and sugar, but you’re about to learn how to make it the keto-friendly way, without losing its great taste or its rich and creamy texture!
There is more than one thing that we love about the strawberry panna cotta — it is low-carb, takes under 5 minutes to make, it is versatile so you can choose any flavor you want, and it contains grass-fed gelatin.
We know you can’t wait to start making your strawberry panna cotta, but before we get down to the recipe, you should know that grass-fed gelatin has many beneficial properties for our metabolisms.
Not many people know this, but gelatin has some great benefits for your body, such as skin nourishment, joint protection, and gut health improvement.
- In regards to the skin nourishment, you should know that gelatin and collagen work together to help provide your skin’s elasticity and to protect it against the harmful UV radiation. Gelatin also helps regenerate your skin cells and maintain strong hair, nails, and bones.
- Gelatin also reduces inflammation, which is great for people with degenerative joint disease and arthritis. It helps with stiffness, limited mobility, and joint pain; because our joints are mainly made from collagen and gelatin, this means that increasing your grass-fed gelatin intake can make a major improvement in all of these conditions!
- As for its positive effect on your gut health, gelatin actually acts like collagen in means of sealing the lining of your digestive tract and blocking the majority of food, bacteria and particles from entering your bloodstream. It also can increase elimination of gastric juices that help absorption of nutrients — all while preventing common digestive problems like indigestion, bloating and acid reflux.
Who knew that eating a tasty dessert could be so healthy for you? But enough with praising gelatin’s many benefits; we’re sure you want to get right to the recipe for this delicious snack, right?
Get ready to collect your ingredients and make your strawberry in less than 5 minutes!
You will need 2 teaspoons of grass-fed gelatin, 3 tablespoons of warm water, 1 ½ cup of heavy cream, about 6 strawberries (but, of course, you can play with different fruits and their quantity), and 2-3 tablespoons of a keto friendly sweetener of your choice.
You will want to start making your strawberry panna cotta with adding warm water into a small bowl while adding the gelatin on top. You should stir it until the mixture is completely blended and there are no gelatin lumps left. You can let it bloom for about five minutes before adding the remaining ingredients.
While you wait, blend the strawberries and the heavy cream, keeping in mind that this mix should be very smooth. You can then pour the mix into a small pot and keep it on low-medium heat.
When it begins to bubble, take the pot off the heat and let it cool for a minute before adding the gelatin mix into the pot. If you have decided to add some sweetener as well, you can add it into the strawberry and heavy cream mix before pouring in the gelatin.
Make sure not to overdo it with the artificial sweeteners both when making this dessert and in your day-to-day meals. Many people tend to make this mistake when they just start their keto diet, and you can read all about the beginners’ mistakes here: https://konsciousketo.com/blogs/news/the-top-3-keto-mistakes-and-9-simple-ways-to-correct-them.
Well, there you have it, your panna cotta is ready! It really is that simple! Refrigerate your strawberry panna cotta for three to four hours, and then you can enjoy your healthy snack.
The best thing about this recipe is that you can make a lot of panna cotta in a matter of minutes, and keep it refrigerated and stored for a few days. If making all meals was this easy, meal prep for work would be your favorite part of the day, right?
You can play around with the flavors and add any keto-friendly fruits you can think of, or even make the vanilla or salted caramel versions of this mouth-watering dessert, just to keep things fresh.
You can find a lot of other quick and easy keto-friendly recipes and make sure to check out other posts as well, because you will find lots of great pieces of advice on your keto diet, and you can get your tasty and healthy supplements from Konscious Keto and make sure your body is getting the optimal nutrition it needs and deserves!