We’ve all heard it many times. Don’t work too hard or for too long because…You’ll experience burnout!
These words have gotten into our minds like and play over and over again for many of us every time we face our limits or encounter a challenging situation. Chances are that someone told you this when you were growing up. This idea of burn-out is the result of family, friends, and society as a whole trying to make sense of life. The opposite of burning out would probably be, doing things in a way that is “healthy” the word we often hear is balance.
However, it is my believe that balance is just another illusion of the mind of having everything under control in an easy flow way. It almost implies that things will get done with very minimal effort on our part. This way of thinking, I believe is what creates the whole fear of burning out. What I’ve experienced in my art career in the past 7 years is that burn-out does exist, but not in the way we are told about it. Also, balance does exist as well – but you guessed it…not in the way we are told it does.
Burn-out happens when you are not doing enough! WHAT? You may say to yourself! I assure that I began experiencing burnout when I was doing less. The less you do, the more you think, and the less you continue to do – therefore you get fewer results. This is Burn-out
See, because when you think more than you do, something happens in the mind. Almost like we get tricked into thinking what because we are doing so much thinking, we are actually working so much. This is why busy and productive are so different. Busy is when you are thinking more than doing. Productive is the opposite.
In order to get rid of burnout you have to do more than what you are doing. You have to add more tasks not take way things from your plate. This is common mistake most entrepreneurs do. We want to delegate right away, but we never build enough muscle to learn to stay busy so that we can get more things done.
The more I did, the more I became productive, and the more balance I began to have in my life.
My name is Jose Trujillo, I am a professional artist. To view my artwork visit: http://stores.ebay.com/jtrujillopaintings21