Brooklyn is a hub of creativity where artists collaborate and thrive and the perfect place for Babyllon to write and record her album “Heart Attacks & Southern Roses” which was mastered by Grammy award- winner Jeff “The Jedi Master” Jones.
The debut single of the same name boasts the lyrics “If you don’t love me then somebody else will” and we love it. We really do so, we are including Babyllon in our Music Spotlight Series.
Take a listen to Babyllon’s album on Spotify and get to know her with our Q & A below.
1. Babyllon is a very interesting name. Is it a nickname?
Babyllon is the realization that even though we speak many languages there is one language that ties us together, which is Music. Babyllon is a nick name, Sundays in Babylon. More on that later.
2. When did you begin studying and pursuing music?
I have been playing music my entire life, I started playing piano at the age of 7. I started a guitar class in 7th grade, after the counselor told me I was out of electives. I looked into making a brand new course, the teacher was willing to teach on his off block hours, after petitioning 12 of my friends to play guitar who also missed starting guitar in 6th grade, I started a class for Beginner/Intemediate students. It was hard, and fast passed, but now its a thing. Its been my thing since that day, now were here ROCKING OUTTTTTT!
3. What inspires your lyrical content?
Soul Music, Anomalies, I believe in not filtering feelings, so that I can be transparent in my conviction towards love, and life.
4. Could you please talk our readers through your live show experience?
The Live show experience I try to create, is a journey, a story that will heighten all the senses. I try my hardest to tie all the songs together, rhythmically, aesthetically with delivery. It’s harder to explain, you have to see the show.
5. Vocally speaking, who do you admire and feel closely resembles your style?
Patsy Cline, Amy Winehouse, Robert Plant, I would mimic singers as a child and different sounds in general. I love that those people had no ceiling in pushing themselves vocally.
6. Please tell us the story behind your new album.
This album is going to empower the underdog, and empower women, and empower real love. Im going into the studio with A Multi Platinum Producer, Warren Huart, its one of those moments that lets you breathe out, knowing your accomplishments are getting you to the next step. The story behind this, will make the back of your neck stand up, the heart in your chest start to drive you thats all I can say about this now.
7. What do you think is missing in the current rock music market?
I don’t know if anything is missing, but I will try and add to it as much as I can.
8. Please share how and where we can purchase or listen to your music.
You can always purchase a physical cd through Instagram
Thanks so much!