Your health is very important. I don’t like to be sick and I cherish my health for many reasons , but mostly because I need to be in good health especially with winter and the holiday season upon us. I want to be healthy to spend as much time with those that I love like my daughter and son, family and my pets. Yes, my pets. I’m their main care giver so I have to stay healthy for them.
Have you ever had a sick child or have been sick yourself and wished that your doctor would make house calls but, instead you have to make an appointment, get yourself and/or your kids ready, head to the doctor’s office at least 20 minutes in advance and then sit in the waiting room until you’re finally seen by the doctor. Afterwards you have to head to the pharmacy to submit your prescription. Amwell is trying to eliminate some of those steps for you with their online doctor visit app.
The concept seems simple enough, log-in fill out the information, choose a doctor and have a one on one video chat visit with them. But, does it work?
Step One: Sign Up
The first step is to sign up for the site. You can do this either on your computer by visiting their website or you can download their app on iPhone or Android. I signed up through my computer though after I had my visit I can see how using your phone to do the video call might be a better option for the ease of walking around and showing what part of my body had the small rash. I had started the process on my computer and didn’t realize that I would be connected to a doctor almost immediately.
Step Two: Entering Your Information
Once I was signed in I had to enter basic information like my address, my pharmacy of choice for any prescriptions, my insurance provider, which I didn’t have at the time so it wasn’t necessary.
Step Three: Choose Your Medical Need & Submit Condition
Since you are requesting a doctor for a possible ailment like the flu or cold you will enter ‘urgent care’.
Step Four: Payment
The urgent care costs $69, but we have a discount code for you that will give you 50% off. They also take most insurance which can cover the fee.
Step Five: Your Doctor’s Visit
I was told the name of my doctor and asked if I wanted to receive a text when he was ready to video chat with me. I waited for about 10 minutes and then it was finally time to speak to my doctor.
10 minutes is a lot better than having to dress your sick kids, drive in a car to the doctor and sit in the waiting room because it’s an unplanned visit.
He went through the routine questions and then we went into what was ailing me. After my diagnosis he suggested that I follow up with my primary doctor as soon as I could.
Step Six: Prescription
As I mentioned, when you register they ask you for your preferred pharmacy. That is because Amwell doctor’s can write you a prescription. They will send it to the pharmacy your choose.
Step Seven: Transcript of Virtual Call
After the virtual visit, I received an email summary that explained what the doctor’s assessment and his recommendation. It was pretty thorough and something I can take with me when I visit my primary doctor.
My Thoughts & Do I Recommend Amwell
I did not expect for the process to go so smoothly and so quickly. I was done with my virtual call in less than 30 minutes. My mind is at ease and I feel confident that the doctor gave me an accurate assessment based on what he could see. I will schedule a follow up with my primary doctor.
I can’t stress enough how easy it was to use and I definitely recommend that you give it a try for yourself. Amwell and MomTrends are offering my readers a 50% discount when you use code: AMWELL50
Download the App: iPhone | Android
About Amwell:
Amwell is the nation’s largest telehealth company, connecting users with board-certified, licensed doctors for immediate and live, online visits—day or night, on either mobile or desktop. Some general conditions our doctors encounter include minor illnesses and injuries, general health and wellness concerns, prescription refills, and chronic condition management. We employ primary care and specialist physicians, as well as licensed behavioral therapists and registered dietitians, to meet our patients’ health and wellness needs. Amwell doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and are dedicated to keeping you healthy — all from the comfort of your home.
Amwell is here as a 24/7 resource for you and your family. When you need urgent care, you need it immediately and what better way to access it then from your own home?
Some use cases:
- Fever
- Cold & flu
- Allergies
- Sinus infections
- Stomach bugs
- Travel
- Pediatrics
- Rashes
Remember that Amwell complements in-person care. It is not a replacement in emergency situations. It’s great for 24/7 urgent care from the comfort of home or on the go.
What do you feel about virtual doctor visits? Have you tried it? Will you?
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends.