We all love our pets but, we can’t say the same for the endless amounts of pet hairs that are left all over our homes and clothing. I have a dog and two cats. That’s a lot of fur. Lint brushes are stashed in every corner of the house and in my handbag. While I can’t eliminate all the fur, and I can’t necessarily put the pets and carpet out the window like this picture suggests, I’ve found that by following the simple tips below I have managed to significantly reduce the pet hair that previously seemed to consume my life and home.
Get an Air Purifier
This is a great suggestion that I recently read in a Pioneer Comfort Systems blog post that’s helpful not only with getting rid of pet hair but, also for those with allergies. They explain that “air purifiers are made to eliminate pet hair, pollen, dander, and a variety of other tiny particles from the air in your home.” You can find air purifiers online that are specifically geared towards pet hair removal.
Vacuum Regularly
This seems like a no brainer but, I wouldn’t recommend using any old vacuum cleaner. Invest in one that is made to handle pet hair so you don’t have to deal with it breaking down or clogging. I have the Dirt Devil Power Flex Pet, and I love it. It works great and helps to keep my carpet free and clear of pet hair. I also have a robo vacuum cleaner. You can set it to do a light vacuum when you’re not at home and at night while you’re sleeping. Every little step helps.
Laundry, Laundry, Laundry
I read a tip that suggested you take the clothing and bed sheets that have your pet hairs on them and put them in the dryer with a dryer sheet for about 20 minutes before you wash them. This will remove most of the pet fur, and you don’t have to worry about it getting all over the other clothes when you put it in the wash. I tried it and it works.
Another great tip is using dryer balls. In addition to keeping your clothes static cling free they pull hair and lint from your clothes as they dry. It’s such a relief to take clothes out of the dryer and find that the pet hair is all gone.
Groom Your Pets
Brushing your pet’s hair is an absolute must, and the more you do it the better. Brushing regularly keeps the pets happy, and it keeps you happy by keeping the pet hair on the brush and off your furniture and clothes. There are so many good cat and dog brushes out there for you to choose from. The more you brush, the less the cleanup fuss.
I hope these tips help with keeping your home fur-free. They may require you to add an extra step or three to your regular routine but, it will be worth it.
What tips and tricks do you use around your home to eliminate pet hairs?
This post contains affiliate links. If you happen to click and make a purchase, I will make a couple of cents which I will probably use to get our pets some treats because not only are they hairy, they are also greedy.