My mom has a beautiful streak of gray hair that’s a little off to the side of her hair and goes straight back. I always admired it and said that I hoped to get a similar streak and if I did, I would never dye it.

Now that I’m a little older, I do indeed have some gray hairs here and there. Nothing as sexy as her streak though. The grays wouldn’t really bother me except that I’m always changing my hair color. That’s something my mom never did so, I didn’t exactly fit that into the equation when I was a little girl.
The problem with grays when you dye your hair is that they kind of mess up the flow of say a blue black, a purple or whatever color I choose. It’s easy to cover up the grays when you first dye your hair but, as the roots grow in the only way to rid of them is to apply more dye. Or so I thought, until I got this nifty sample of EVERPRO® GRAY AWAY.
I’d seen the EVERPRO® GRAY AWAY on shelves of some stores and was curious to see it would do the trick so getting a sample was a plus and now I get to let you guys know how it works.
The way it works is that you apply the powdered dye onto the gray hairs and they blend in with your natural or dyed hair color. They come in 3 different shades: 1) Lightest Brown / Medium Blonde 2) Light Brown and 3) Black/Dark Brown.
Will it Hide My Gray Hair?
I received a sample of Black/Dark Brown. My hair is naturally dark brown and it’s currently dyed jet black.
Now, I thought I only had a few grays but, asked my daughter to take an aerial shot of my head for the before affect. Boy, was I shocked to see that I had so many much more gray hair than I thought.

Since she was already there, I asked her to apply the powder for me. It’s very easy and something that can be done quickly in the morning. She did say that she had a little bit of difficulty covering some of the strands but, I think that has more to do with the fact that the grays were so scattered and also a bit on the long side. Remember, this is meant to be a temporary cover for new growth not full strands of gray.
Despite that, I think it came out pretty darn good. Look at the picture and tell me what you think. She probably should have taken the photo without the flash but,you’re looking at it unedited. I’m impressed.

GRAY AWAY is available in both a spray and a newly released powder formula.I tested out the powder formula. Both contain a revolutionary, self-adjusting color technology to blend seamlessly with hair color for a natural-looking finish.
What do you think? Would you use a temporary gray hair concealer instead of putting your hair through the process of a dye touch-up?
If you want to try it out, head over to their website and enjoy a 20% discount with code NOGRAY20.
Make sure you come back and let me know what you think and feel free to post pics in the comment section.