Kids Corner:Online Marital Arts Courses for Children from Sheng Chi ( Giveaway + Discount)

Has your kid been asking to take karate or kung fu lessons but, you don’t have the time or money or maybe there isn’t a school near you.

Or maybe your child wants to take lessons but they’re a little shy.

Why not try online lessons?

Sheng Chi is offering the first online Martial Arts for Kids MOOC (Massive Open Online Classroom).

I had a chance to try out the courses which are geared towards children and I was incredibly impressed. I definitely learned a lot.

The Introductory course offers 13 video lessons and a handbook.

Your child will be taught the basics starting with greetings and salutes and moving on to basic stances and demonstrations.

This video is a sample of what your child will learn through this course.  This is instruction on “The Greeting Salute

In addition to becoming fit and disciplined, your child will learn self defense.

These are some of the benefits noted on taking the courses:

Respect– They will learn the protocols and meanings of these protocals. these are designed to teach respect for oneself and others.

Discipline– Our martial arts instruction is inspiring. Children will be inspired to work hard and will thereby naturally develop self discipline.

Physical Fitness – Classes are energetic. Kids will get lots of exercise.

Coordination – Shou’ Shu’ develops coordination. Especially due to that large amount of cross lateral motions. Cross lateral motions have been shown to enhance learning. 

Especially helpful for kids with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia or similar.

Ant-Bullying – Kids will learn to understand how to prevent bullying as well as determining threat level and appropriate responses.

Fun – classes your child is sure to enjoy!

The lessons are being given at an incredible price but if you visit this link and enter your email you will receive a 50% discount code.

They are also generously offering one of my readers the course completely free. Enter the contest below and good luck. Please note that the prize will come directly from Sheg Chi via email.

Stay connected with Sheng Chi

PS. They also offer online courses for adults. Enjoy!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.