What is the Difference Between Bingo and Tombola?

Colorful card game background. Tombola bingo cards.

Bingo and tombola are trendy games that aim are to complete numbered squares on a card, ticket or cardboard. Who hasn’t played one of these games? But, did you know that, although they may be similar, each game has its particularities? So, stick around; let’s explore these games and find their differences.

Bingo: a game that never goes out of style

Bingo is a classic raffle game in which people can have more than one card, ticket or cardboard with several numbers. Learning to play it is very simple. Players must mark the numbers that the host “calls out” on their ticket or card. Whoever draws the most lines or completes the card is the winner.

During a traditional bingo game, the host sets up a pattern of combinations for players to win. Whoever completes the winning sequence and shouts “bingo” wins the game. Then, the game is over, and all the numbers called must be cleared to start a new game.

Today, with the versions of video bingo available at sites like https://isurfireland.com/casino/allslots-casino-review/, the gaming experience has changed dramatically. The advantages of online video bingo are more significant: you no longer need a host to “call out” the numbers or a large group of people to play.

Plus, you can play at any time from anywhere. There is even a feature that automatically marks the numbers on your card as they come up, so you don’t run the risk of missing any.

Tombola: more than just a raffle game

The tombola is a raffle game where participants can have one or more numbered cards, tickets or tickets. In addition, after handing out the cards, a presenter draws the numbers. The players fill them in if they match the numbers on their cards.

As in bingo, winning patterns are established. But in this game, once the round is completed, the game continues until another prize is won. In tombola, the rewards are usually objects rather than money. The game is associated with the Christmas season and family togetherness in Italy, and numbers are often associated with important events.

Bingo vs tombola: differences

We have already discussed, in general terms, what each game is about. In both games, cards or tickets are used, and the numbers called out by the host or announcer must match the numbers on your card for you to win. Although they share similarities, there are two significant differences.

Cards, tickets or tickets

The format of the cards or tickets is different. For example, in the tombola, they have 15 numbers and three rows of five numbers each. However, in bingo, they usually have 24 numbers in a grid of five rows and five numbers with a space in the middle of the columns. 

Tombola has fewer numbers than bingo; however, it can take longer to complete the rows.

It is worth noting that there are different types of bingos and that the number of numbers on each card can vary: there can be cards with 12, 15, 16 and 24 numbers.


When a player gets a winning combination, the game is over in bingo, and they must start a new game. That’s not the case in a tombola. Once a winning combination is obtained, the game continues until all winning combinations are completed.

Intermediate prizes

In the case of tombola, if we are the first to mark two numbers on the same line, we will obtain an intermediate prize. The same happens if we are the first to score three (terna), four (cuarta) or five (Quinta) numbers on the same line.

In bingo, we have the prize for the first to get all the numbers in a line. The line is generally horizontal, although prizes can be awarded for vertical or diagonal lines. 

Then there is the famous bingo prize for a ‘full card’, and finally, the bonus, which is the jackpot for whoever completes their card before a certain number of balls are drawn.

Indeed, both titles are fun and exciting; however, it is possible to find endless variations through video bingo, as there are many different themes. In both cases, fun is guaranteed.