How to Remove Impossible Stains on Men’s Designer Jeans

Men's Designer JeansEveryone has had those bad-luck days where everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong, like getting a stain on your favorite pair of men’s designer jeans. There’s nothing more frustrating than finally wearing a new pair of jeans from an online menswear store, like Differio, and accidentally dropping pasta sauce on your lap. It makes you want to leave the restaurant kicking and screaming because now you’re forced to walk around with a sloppy stain on your trendy men’s jeans. Before you decide to throw your designer jeans for men in the trash, there are ways you can actually tackle the toughest stains like red wine.

The rule of thumb is to treat it as quickly as possible, so don’t automatically throw your jeans in the hamper. In the meantime, you should carry a to-go, detergent-based pen in your bag that’ll at least prevent stains from spreading and reduce visibility. Aside from that, the best way to handle stains is by removing them with different methods depending on what it is. So, if you’re susceptible to accidents, here are the best ways to remove the most stubborn stains from your designer jeans because life happens.

  1. Red Wine Stains

Whether you prefer merlot or cabernet sauvignon, all red wines will leave the same, jarring stain on your designer jeans for men. In order to remove red wine stains from stylish men’s jeans, you should first blot your jeans with a sponge or paper towel to prevent the stain from spreading. The key word is blot. If you roughly rub the stain in, it’ll only aggravate the wine further into your denim.

For concentrated spots, you can mix baking soda with water so it turns into a pasty consistency and rub as needed. If you stained men’s colored jeans in a dark wash, you can neutralize the stain with white wine or white wine vinegar. However, don’t use white wine on white jeans because you’ll only add another yellow-colored stain on them. For procrastinators that left their men’s fashion jeans in the hamper, you can fill a basin with club soda and let your jeans soak overnight or until the stain is gone.

  1. Blood Stains

Hopefully, you’ll never run the risk of ruining your favorite skinny jeans for men from a horrific accident, but it’s never out of the question. Bodily-fluid stains are one of the toughest stains to remove from designer jeans for men. However, it’s also a stain that can be treated quickly, as long as you have cold water at hand.

You should remember to never wash your bloodstained men’s designer jeans with hot water. When you pour hot water over blood, it’ll only make the stain set in further. If you’re treating the stain promptly, it’s usually enough with a heavy dose of cold water and soap. You can really use any type of soap you’ve got, but dishwashing soap is usually recommended for effectiveness. You can also try sprinkling dry baking soda and rubbing it into the stain. For best results, you can leave your designer jeans for men in direct sunlight for at least 4 hours to bleach the stain with sunlight.

  1. Grease Stains

Although grease stains aren’t as noticeable on men’s destroyed jeans compared to ruby red wine, it’s just as tough to remove especially once the grease sets in. But don’t cut out wings and fries from your life just yet! There are actually a couple of household items that’ll take the grease right out of your designer jeans for men.

Just as Pine Sol is known for cutting greasy floors, you can actually use them on your stained men’s fashion jeans. Additionally, cornstarch is a common item known for removing grease and it’s probably the easiest method. All you need to do is sprinkle cornstarch and leave your jeans to soak it up for at least an hour. You should lay your jeans somewhere flat so you have room to let them rest after being treated. They say you can use WD-40 for treating grease stains, but due to its harsh chemicals, it’s best to test it out before dousing it on your men’s urban jeans.