Healthy Foods For Healthy Digestion

Do you suffer from digestive issues like stomach cramping, gas, nausea, chronic acidity, bloating, constipation or pain in the abdomen or a combination of two or more of these issues?

There are very few of us who don’t suffer from any kind of digestive disorder. Unhealthy lifestyle practices, sensitivity to food, anxiety and stress, lack of nutrition and stomach infections are some of the major causes of stomach disorders.

Digestive issues in the present day world are very common and a part of many people’s day to day lives. The digestive system needs to be healthy and food needs to be properly digested for your body to absorb the essential nutrients and get rid of the waste from your body.

A combination of different varieties of foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and milk products, eggs, lean meat, seafood, soy and poultry keeping in mind the daily intake of calories is essential for a person to be healthy. Let’s take a look at some of the foods that are good for a person’s digestion.

Sauerkraut And Kimchi

Sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage with lactic acid. The fermentation process makes this food rich in probiotics or the good bacteria which is extremely beneficial for a person’s digestive system. You can understand the importance of different kinds of probiotic formulas in this article from Microbe Formulas. Sauerkraut is also rich in enzymes that help to break down the nutrients within the food. This makes food more digestible. Now that you know of its benefits you can have a good helping of sauerkraut along with your sandwich or hot dog or as a side dish. 

Kimchi is another food rich in probiotics that is good for proper digestion. Kimchi is also made using cabbage that is fermented. Besides increasing friendly microbes in a person’s colon, this food can add bulk to a person’s stool as it is rich in fibers.   Kimchi is good for the overall health of a person’s bowel and digestive system.


The presence of friendly bacteria or probiotics in yogurt is good for proper digestion. This is one of the main reasons why yogurt has always been a part of meals in different cultures around the globe. Milk is fermented using the lactic acid bacteria to prepare yogurt. Probiotics are not present in all yogurts so choose the ones with active cultures in it. The probiotics in yogurt are good for digestive disorders like constipation, bloating and diarrhea.

Fishes Rich In Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fishes like trout, tuna, salmon and sardines are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Including these in your diet can help to reduce inflammation of the bowel, inflammation of the gut, and intolerance of certain kinds of food thereby improving digestion. Omega 3 fatty acids are good for people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


Menthol, the oil in peppermint, is known to have benefits that are good for digestive disorders like bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and discomfort in the stomach. Peppermint oil helps in relaxing the muscles of your digestive tract thereby improving digestion. Peppermint leaves and oil can be added to different kinds of foods and liquids like tea or lemon juice. The antispasmodic properties of peppermint are good for relaxing your bowels.


Ginger is widely used in the eastern regions like Asia. It is good for treating nausea and stomach disorders and for digestion. Ginger is used as a condiment, in teas, candies and in preparing a wide range of foods. Consuming ginger speeds up the process of digestion by moving food from a person’s stomach to the intestines thereby removing all the issues related to slow digestion. This root also reduces heartburn and is good for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness.


Beetroots are rich in fibers which are good for proper digestion. Beets moves quickly to a person’s colon and feeds the good bacteria in the gut. It also adds bulk to a person’s excretions. Beetroots can be taken in the raw form or can be cooked. You can use beetroots to make a smoothie, in salads, add it to coleslaw, or in stews and pickles. 

Plenty Of Fluids

Fluids are an essential part of healthy digestion. Sufficient amounts of fluids help in moving solids through a person’s digestive system. Even though water is the best choice when it comes to fluids any fluids like fresh fruit juices or vegetable juices, or teas can be taken. You need to avoid caffeinated drinks and aerated fluids completely if you suffer from acid reflux, heartburn or chronic acidity. Make sure you take in at least 8 glasses of water every day.


Papaya is a tropical fruit that is rich in papain, a strong digestive enzyme. Papain helps in breaking down the protein fibers during the process of digestion. It also gives relief to digestive disorders like constipation, bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Owing to its beneficial digestive properties, papain is used as the main ingredient in digestive supplements.

Whole Grains

When a grain contains its germ, endosperm, and bran it is referred to as a whole grain. Quinoa, whole wheat products, and oats are some of the popular whole grains included in diets for proper digestion. The fibers in whole grains are good for people suffering from constipation and it also adds bulk to a person’s stool. Some fibers also feed the good microbes in a person’s gut.

Chia Seeds

The fibers present in chia seeds are good for improving bowel movements. Chia seeds get transformed into a substance like gelatine when it reaches your stomach. This supports the growth of healthy microbes in the gut which ensures a proper digestion.

Healthy digestion ensures that all the necessary vitamins, minerals, calcium, proteins and fats are absorbed by your body in the right amounts. This is essential for a person’s growth, for repairing cells in the body and for energy. Making a few changes to your diet and lifestyle is essential to ensure the good health of your digestive tract and stomach.